
First Communion/First Penance

FIRST COMMUNION/FIRST PENANCE Preparation is about to begin. Do you know any of the children listed in the linked file below? Please let their family know.
These children were all baptized in our parish. We would like to make sure that they have an opportunity to register to receive the Sacraments of First Penance and First Holy Communion. We would have missed some of them due to Covid and some are newly eligible. Can you tag a family member, shoot them a text or call the family to make sure they know about Sacramental Preparation restarting this fall. More information is available further down this page or on our Facebook Page.

Eligible Communion/Penance List (From Baptismal Records)


CONFIRMATION Preparation for those in Grade 10, 11 & 12 is happening this coming weekend (November 5). Do you know any of the children listed in the linked file below? Please let their family.
These young people were all baptized in our parish. The list does not include those from St. Joseph's Parish or anyone living here now who was baptized elsewhere. We would like to make sure that they have an opportunity to register to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. We would have missed some of them due to Covid and some are newly eligible. Can you tag a family member, shoot them a text or call the family to make sure they know about Sacramental Preparation? More information is available further down this page or on our Facebook Page.
Preparation is on November 5 at St. Joseph's Parish Hall from 10 to 4. Parents/Guardians/Sponsors etc are asked to return for a Mass with the Bishop at 3pm. We feed the candidates all snacks and lunch.
We will be offering the same preparation retreat for current grade 9 candidates (and anyone we missed this time around) in this spring (date TBA)

Eligible Confirmation List (From Baptismal Records)

Children's Liturgy

We wish to resume Children's Liturgy as soon as possible.  Please volunteer for this rewarding ministry.

Children's Liturgy this Week

We have stopped producing our own weekly Children's Liturgy Videos.  We encourage you to please come back to Mass with your children if you feel comfortable doing so.  If you enjoy at home Children's Liturgy please check out one of our favourites: Heidi Witte - Kids Liturgy